Baby Massage

Baby massage is about touch, connection, stillness and presence. It’s about stripping everything back to nothing. To listen to learn, to allow, to honour and to just be. It’s to create a simple nurturing environment for baby to be seen, heard, accepted, loved and respected.

It’s about time and acceptance of where you and your baby are. It’s about love created in moments of connection both physical and emotional. It’s about honouring the traditions of the past from around the world and of the intuitive knowing that touch and presence grounds us into our bodies, into the moment and to each other.

The Benefits of Baby Massage

There are a number of benefits of baby massage.

Relief - Baby massage can help to offer relief from the discomfort of digestive pain caused by wind or constipation. It can also be used to soothe teething pain and help relieve nasal and chest congestion if baby has a cold.

Relaxation - When you massage your baby, your bodies produce relaxing “feel good” hormones which can help you both to relax. A more relaxed baby is likely to feed and sleep better.

Development - Baby massage can help to mature the nervous system and strengthen bones and joints.

Bonding - Oxytocin “the nurturing hormone” is produced when you massage your baby which helps to encourage bonds between you and your baby.

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Blossom & Berry Training

Teaches the importance of love and connection through nurturing touch, massage and yoga to help babies and children reach their full potential and make the world a better place. Blossom & Berry’s mission is to grow babies with love, touch, responsive care and positive interactions. We create nurturing experiences for parents/carers and babies to deepen connection and confidence. We focus on touch as a way to support infant and parental mental health as we believe this is the foundation for health and happiness.